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In what is proving to be a busy time for the new label, Ghost House Records have their third release due out this Monday (27th February). This time it's an EP from the Wolverhampton-based producer K1, and it's another set of bangers!

To celebrate the release of Apocalypse EP, I got some words from K1 about all this grime madness...
Firstly, your Apocalypse EP is coming out on Spooky's Ghost
House label. Both GH releases have been strong so far. How did that come about?
"I started sending him tunes in April 2011 and started chatting to him through Soundcloud & Twitter. He's constantly supporting my work by playing my tunes in his sets, he gave me my first airplay on 1xtra and I even went down to London with Full Force Ent and did a back to back set with him - so with all that he's really been a key element to my recent success as a producer. That's why it made sense to release my work on his label."
I would describe your music as grime with elements of dubstep - cold but not
full of unnecessarily wobble and all that. How would you describe it?
"I just call it grime when someone asks me because it's the closest genre that my music fits into - I draw influences from all genres of music and life then try to cram it all into 140bpm!"
What was the first music you liked? And how did you get into the grime sound?
"I never really paid much attention to music until 4x4/bassline CD's started being the new 'in thing' at my high school, I used to listen to lots of bassline like the Ejucation & SOTNS volumes but always had the odd grime track I liked on my phone. I remember hearing tunes like "Rhythm & Gash" & "Pulse X" and it's tunes like that which got me into grime at first."
Your 'Apocalypse' EP is highly anticicipated (2 of the tracks were used in
the Kozzie vs. Sox clash on last year's Lord Of The Mics 3 DVD), and should enable you to get across to yet more people. What are your plans
and hopes for 2012 after this?
"I've recently joined the Invasion Alert crew and I'm very pleased about it! You can expect a lot of projects involving the MC's from my new team such as Sox, Jaykae, Hitman & Vader to name a few, hopefully a few joint EP's with the likes of producers Mister Snowman, Skinzmann & CRT & you can definitely expect more instrumental releases like the Apocalypse EP from myself!"
Listen to a preview of tracks from the K1 Apocalypse EP below:
As with the previous two Ghost House releases (Spooky - Rusty Bell EP and Various Artists - Allstars EP), K1's EP will be out via the usual digital retailers (Amazon, iTunes etc).http://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif
K1 on Soundcloud
Ghost House Records on Soundcloud